Hurray! Jesus is still the King.

© Dale Kunkel Art – Image Used by Permission

Today, Jesus is still the King of kings and Lord of lords,

he is still seated on his throne to make intercession for your prayers,

he still laughs over the arrogant plans of man,

he is still the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and therefore owns all in between,

he still has the king’s heart in his hand and moves it like a water channel in whatever direction he pleases,

he still is the way the truth and the life for anyone who would desire to know God,

he still makes all things new and will do so when he returns,

he still calls the church to go into the fields of the world to sow and reap a harvest of souls for him,

he still knows each star by name and knows your name as well,

he still suffers with you because not only is he the shepherd of the valley but also he still weeps with those who weep,

he still determines what turns up when the lot is cast into the lap and he still gives more grace in our time of need.

Rejoice! For Jesus is still all that he has promised to be for us, and his love is from everlasting to everlasting – beyond this election and all the rest to come. Amen.

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